Welcome to Shubhendu’s Presentation Logics Page
All my work on HTML CSS JS & Angular.
Link to My Angular HTML CSS & JS Projects
Structured page using HTML 5 Properties
1. Header
2. Navbar
3. Section
4. Article
5. Aside
6. Footer
7. Other tags div, span, p, h1, h3, h4, table, ul, a, input, label & many more
Designed page using CSS 3 Properties
1. radial gradient
2. animate
3. display : block, grid
4. float : left, right
5. margin & padding
6. opacity
Manipulation & Validation of page using JS
1. Immediately Invoked Function Expression
2. forEach loop
3. Regular Expressions for String Matching
4. Functional Constructors
5. Array Object, Date Object
6. document : addEventListener, innerHTML, insertAdjacentHTML, querySelector, getElementById, getElementsBy(Class,TagName)
Angular Assignments
Deployed using Firebase
-Assignment 1 Link -Assignment 2 Link -Assignment 3 Link
JS Assignment
Use Username shubhendu and Password abc123
Login Page Register Page Home Page Banking Page
Neumorphic Analog Clock
Light Mode
Dark Mode